Getting Started



An API is a technical resource for developers so you will need to be familiar with using RESTful APIs to participate in this beta.

Welcome to the closed beta of Sign In App's RESTful Client API. This API is designed to help you extend your Sign In App experience to include custom dashboards, business intelligence and integration with 3rd party applications. We will continue to support and expand this closed beta with regular updates and we encourage you to contact us at with your feedback, questions and suggestions. If you'd like to request access to this beta please get in touch.

All API endpoints are protected and calls must be authenticated using the method described here.


  • An account on (referred to as the Portal). Trial accounts can be created here.
  • An API Client on the portal with a key and secret used to authenticate with the API. Instructions for setting up a API Client can be found here.
  • Programming language with the ability to make web requests (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) and modify HTTP headers.

Base URI

The base URI to be called can be found as part of the details when managing an API Client in the portal. Each endpoint is specific to the Client space the client is created in. The host will look like and base URI will look like https://<your-client-api-host>/client-api/v1.

Request / Response Data

Unless otherwise specified all endpoints receive and return JSON data.

Content-Type: application/json 

Common Problems and Solutions

When making a request, the endpoint returns HTTP status 302.

This is usually due to all endpoints requiring the Content-Type and Accept header to be set to application/json. Setting these headers on all requests should provide the expected behaviour.

Receiving 404 on an endpoint that was working for a different parameters.

This might be due to incorrect request parameters being specified. When specifying IDs on resources that don't exist the endpoints will return a 404. Check the specified IDs are correct.

Application Structure and Terms

This describes the various terms used and their relationships within the Sign In App application.

  • 'Client': This is your account. All portal users and and API clients are attached to a client.
  • 'Site'. A site could be thought of as a office location. Many sites belong to a client.
  • 'Remote Site'. This is a special kind of site which represents visitors logging in remotely. There is once remote site to a client.
  • 'Device'. A device is the physical tablet that runs the Sign In App which visitors sign in to. Zero or more devices can be connected to a site.
  • 'Mobile Device'. A mobile device is a returning visitors mobile. Once mobile device is connected to one returning visitor.
  • 'Visitor Group'. A visitor group can be a group for visitors or returning visitors. A client can have many visitor groups.
  • 'Visitor'. A visitor is a person who signs in to a group on the application but may not return. There can be many visitors in a group.
  • 'Returning Visitor'. Returning visitors are people known to the client who repeatedly visit. There can be many returning visitors in a group.

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