Safety check
Safety check gives you the tools you need to manage entry requirements and comply with the latest safety regulations and guidance.

Comply with safety regulations
Safety and security is a top priority for modern workplaces, with many organisations required to follow strict regulations. It’s the responsibility of business owners, site managers and venue hosts to ensure guests and employees meet specific entry criteria and can work safely.
Block list
Block list allows you to monitor or prevent high risk individuals from signing in. For visitor groups with safety check enabled, each sign in will be validated against your global block list, ensuring any flagged individuals are appropriately managed before gaining any further access onto your site. Choose to match solely by name, or a combination of the person’s name and custom fields.

Manage access your way
Depending on your site’s policies and procedures, you may need to customise the way you manage high risk individuals. For each type of visitor or employee, the Safety check feature can either prevent a sign in altogether, or allow the sign in and notify key team members once the person has signed in successfully.
Ask critical questions
In addition to Safety check, Sign In App also allows you to reject or allow sign ins based on information provided during the sign in process. Ask key health or policy related questions and determine which responses should prevent the visitor or employee from signing in.

Safety+ as standard
Safety+ is redefining site safety for the modern workplace and is included at no additional cost as part of your site subscription. In addition to Safety check, learn more about Safety+ evacuation reports which update in real-time across all your devices.