
The Manage section of the portal is where you configure your account's settings, including managing sites, groups, events and portal users.

Manage sites

The manage site section allows you to manage your existing sites and add new ones if you have space available.

Configure site

The configure options are explained in the Configure site section of the user guide.


You can see which site you're currently on by looking for the 'Current site' label.

Remote site

You can manage your remote site from this screen. Remote sites allow your mobile workforce to sign in and record work hours from their mobile phone without appearing on a site's fire list. Once configured, you'll need to allow your companion app users to sign in from their mobile before they can use remote sites. Activate your remote site from the Sign In App+ section of the portal.


If you have purchased additional site subscriptions, you can set up a new site quickly and easily by clicking the Add site button to the right of your existing sites. Each site you create requires its own site subscription. To order, contact the Sign In App team on

Manage groups

The manage groups section allows you to set up new repeat visitors and show or hide groups from the app.

Manage / Edit / Add groups

Groups are explained in detail in the Groups section of the user guide.


Visitor groups allow you to customise the sign in experience for each different type of visitor, including different messages and custom fields.

Manage features

Features that allow you to customise your Sign In App experience even further.

The portal user manage page on the Sign In App portal

Shared evacuations

Shared evacuations alow you to join evacuations with colleagues and account for everyone on site in real-time across multiple devices, ensuring no one is left behind. Completed reports are then stored in the cloud so you can access anywhere anytime.


Streamlining your delivery processes by notifying members of your repeat visitors groups when a delivery arrives for them and securely recording a signature when the package is collected.


Contactless allows visitors and staff to sign in without needing to touch the iPad, keeping everyone safe and collecting the important visitor information you need. From Manage features you can turn this feature on or off.

Remote site

Using Sign In App Companion you can sign into a remote site from anywhere in the world, meaning your hours are still monitored but you’re not listed on your site’s evacuation list.

Safety check

Safety check combines two features, health certificates and block list, to help ensure everyone signing in to your site meets the criteria you set.


Here you can set up rules to send notifications by email, SMS, Slack or MS Teams when anyone signs in or out of a group.

Pre-reg forms

Forms allow you to create a shareable form so you can pre-register visitors without needing to be a portal user or have access to Sign In App Companion.

You can also use forms to integrate with Outlook.

Client API

Our client-side API allows developers to periodically pull data from Sign In App and push data triggered by events. This includes custom dashboards, business intelligence and integration with 3rd party applications.

Manage account

The manage account section allows you to configure global options related to your account. This includes your users, organisation name and logo, group notifications, 2FA and more.

The portal user manage page on the Sign In App portal

Account info

Update your organisation name and logo. The logo displayed here appears at the top of the Today screen across all sites and is printed on any visitor badges.

The portal user manage page on the Sign In App portal

Portal users

From this screen, you can manage portal users on your account. When you click portal users, a list is displayed highlighting who is the primary contact for the account, plus any technical contacts you have set up.

The portal user manage page on the Sign In App portal
Adding a new portal user

To add a new portal user, click Add new at the bottom of the list and add the new user’s name. It’s important the email address is valid and can receive emails, next select which sites they should have access to, their user role, and if they should be a technical contact or not. Click Save and they will be sent an email with a link to set their password.

Changing your primary contact

Your primary contact is the user who will be asked to review and accept terms and conditions for the organisation. Please ensure the primary contact is correct and up to date. To change the primary user click the crown icon next to the user and then click Change to primary.

Are you sure dialog when adding a primary user


The primary user can only be changed by the existing primary user. If you are unable to access the existing primary user's account, please contact

Updating your technical contacts

Technical contacts are notified when a device goes offline and when it comes back online. To make sure notifications go to the correct individuals, check and update your technical contacts often. To set a portal user as a technical contact, first click the edit icon to the right of their name and scroll to the bottom and tick the box next to Technical contact then click Save.

Checkbox to set a user as a techincal contact


With integrated groups, technical contacts are also notified if the connection between Sign In App and Azure AD or Google breaks. The email includes a link to the group in the Sign In App portal, from there you can fix the broken group.


If you're not receiving offline emails it might be because the device has status alerts turned off. To check this go to Manage > Sites > Select site > Devices and then click the pencil button to edit the device and check Send status alerts is toggled on.

Editing a portal user

To make changes to a user click the pencil icon to the right of their name. From here you can change their name, site access and user role.

  • Site access - Site access can be found on the edit user window and allows you to control which sites each user can view.

  • Role - You can change each user's role level by selecting from the drop down list on the edit window. The two options are Administrator which is full admin access, and Standard users which is read only access to visitor lists and does not include the Manage page.

  • Delete user - To delete a portal user, click the bin icon and then click Delete to confirm. You can't undo this action.


Changing your password is now done from the My profile section of the portal. To access this click the profile icon at the top right of the screen.

Password policy

This is where you can manage the password policy for portal users on the Sign In App account.

Passwords expire

By default passwords don't expire, edit this so they expire after 30, 60 or 90 days. Portal users will then be prompted to change their password after time period you select.

Force re-authentication

If a portal user doesn't log out they won't be prompted to re-enter their password and enter their two factor authentication code. From here you can force re-authentication after 30, 60 or 90 days.

Force two factor authentication

Toggling on force two factor authentication means that all portal users will be prompted to set up two factor authentication using an authenticator app such as Google authenticator.

You can read a bit more about two factor authentication here.

The Two Factor Authentication modal as it appears on the Sign In App portal

Prevent recently used passwords

Toggling this on will prevent portal users changing their password to any of their previous 3 most recent passwords.

User roles

Roles and permissions allow you to view and configure the permissions of your portal user roles. There are two default roles, standard and administrator. Administrators have full portal access, including sites, and events. Standard users have access to the Today, Evacuation list and Reports sections of the portal, but not to Manage. You can view the exact permissions available for standard users and administrators from this section of the portal.

Showing the custom roles and permissions that can be configured from the Sign In App portal

In addition to default portal user roles, you can create custom roles giving you granular control over the access portal users have. To create a new role click ‘Add role’ and then provide a name. Then select the permissions you need for the role, they will be saved as they’re added.


When created the new role will have no permissions enabled, but by clicking copy you can duplicate either a default or custom role to give you a base level of permissions you can further edit.

Modal of the option to copy an existing role to a create a new custom role

Once the custom role has been created you can navigate to the portal users tab to assign the role.


When deleting a custom role ensure there are no portal users assigned to this role.

SMS tokens

Sign In App can send notifications when visitors arrive by email or text message. To receive SMS notifications, your Account must have credits available. To purchase additional SMS tokens select this option and choose the SMS bundle you require.

The SMS Tokens manage screen on the Sign In App portal


When you are running low on credits the primary account holder will be emailed. Once you run out of credits, SMS notifications will stop. You can check the number of credits you have any time from this screen, including any recently purchased but pending.

Audit log

The audit log allows you to view when changes were made in your Sign In App account and who made those changes. To access the Audit log, head to Manage and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and under Manage account click Audit log.

The Audit log

Filtering results

You can filter the results of the audit using the date, user, and action selection options.

The Audit log

Date range

When you open the Audit log, it will default to today’s date. Click the date dropdown to change the date. Click once to select the start date and click again to select the end date. Use the left and right arrows to move between months. You can also click the preset options on the left to view Today, Yesterday, This week, and This month.

The Audit log


You can view a maximum of 31 days in the audit log at one time.

User selection

Click the User button to filter the audit log results by specific portal users. The user will also be displayed when viewing the audit log without filtering for a specific user.


If the user is Unknown, this action was completed by the system. For example, if you have an integrated group and members are deleted because they’ve been removed from the 3rd party system, the user will show as Unknown.


  • Creation - The creation of data, including members, groups, and sites

  • Update - The updating of settings or permissions

  • Deletion - The deletion of data, including members, groups, sites, and sign in history

  • Import - The importing of data, including members and pre-registrations

  • Export - The exporting of data, including reports and members

  • Sign out all - Using the Sign out all option on the Today screen

Expanding records

If you’d like to view additional details for an audit log record, you can click the record and it will expand showing more information. In the example below, we can see the action was an update to the group Companion app permissions.

The Audit log


The Audit log permission is enabled for all Administrators and is not included in the Standard user permission level. You can add or remove the Audit log permission from any custom user roles by going to Manage > Manage account > User roles. Click here to read more about managing roles & permissions.

The Audit log


The audit log shows information for all sites in your Sign In App account. Portal users with access to a subset of your sites will be able to see audit log records that may relate to sites they don’t have access to.

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