Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy Statement

Sign In App (together with its affiliated companies) makes an annual Statement in line with prevailing legislation.

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.

We are a provider of visitor management software and accompanying hardware to organisations and the education sector globally. Given the nature of our business and scale of operations, the risk of modern slavery within our own workforce is remote. However, the Company operates a number of policies that mitigate the risk of modern slavery and sets out steps to be taken to prevent corruption generally and slavery and human trafficking in its operations.

Our supply chains

SIA are currently under the threshold prescribed by the Secretary of State in relation to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 however we are committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains. We expect the same high standards from all of our suppliers and business partners, and as part of our contracting processes, we ensure that our Suppliers are committed to the same and reserve the right to request rectification where standards fall short, or move to alternative suppliers.

Due diligence processes for modern slavery and human trafficking

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we conduct risk assessments and review our suppliers on an annual basis. We are committed to combating slavery and human trafficking and expect the same high standards from our supply chain.

Policy Review Statement

  • This policy statement may be reviewed at any time and at the request of either staff or management, but will automatically be reviewed 3 years from the initial approval and thereafter on a triennial basis unless organisational changes, legislation, guidance or non-compliance prompt an earlier review.

Our full Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy is available on request.