Version 4 Q&A

Version 4 of our iPad app will be here soon. If you’d like to read more about the update and why we’re making the changes, take a look at our ‘Building a brand new app’ article here. If you’d like to read more about what’s new, you can read our ‘20 changes coming to version 4’ article here.
In this article we take a look at the most common questions we get asked, covering everything from the release schedule, to information about the new app itself and how to get early access.
1. When will version 4 be released?
Sign In App version 4 for iPad is scheduled to be released on Thursday 23rd April 2020. From this date the new app update will be available to download from the App Store. If your iPad is set to download updates automatically from the App Store, it may take up to 7 days to download automatically (this doesn’t stop you from downloading the update sooner directly from the App Store). If you have auto-updates turned off and you’re not ready to update yet, your current version will continue to work just as it does today.
2. What’s changing?
We’ve shared an article here which explains all of the changes in detail. Other than new config screens and some slight tweaks to the sign in process, the core experience you and your guests are used to will stay very much the same. There will be lots of new options for you to explore once you’re comfortable with the changes, but we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure those happy with how things work now are pleased with the update.
3. What do I need to do?
Once the update has downloaded (either manually through the App Store or automatically) you can continue to use the app as normal. All of your settings will carry across, including the link to your online portal, any printers you have set up and any preferences. It should be as simple as downloading the update, opening the app and tapping to start. If you have an older iPad running iOS 9.3, this is still supported so don’t worry.
4. How should I give feedback?
If you have any questions or concerns ahead of version 4’s release, please get in touch with the customer experience team at The team is working from home so are on hand if you’d like to chat through the update or have an online demo of the new features (you might even get a peek inside their homes and meet their pets!).
If we didn’t answer your question above, let us know - either by email, phone or live chat online ( click here for contact details). We’re excited to share version 4 with you and want to do everything possible to make sure it’s launch is a smooth experience for all of our clients.