What’s new in Sign In App

Feedback and suggestions from our growing community is a key part of what drives our development team. We’re excited to see how new industries solve problems using Sign In App and we’re committed to releasing regular enhancements that benefit all users.
We’re often asked for a list of the most recent changes to Sign In App, so we’ve created this blog post which will be kept up to date with our latest additions and enhancements. If you have suggestions for improvements, please let us know. While we can’t promise to implement every idea, we love hearing your feedback.
Recent Updates
Q4 2024
Enhancements to Companion searching
We’ve added additional search possibilities to allow users to search favourite fields. This could be used for things like finding employees based on key attributes such as first aiders, searching for specific visitors and their hosts or even identifying vehicle owners via registration number.
Multiple on-site reports
On-site reports are an easy way to share a snapshot of everyone signed in at a specific time each day. Our latest update now enables you to schedule reports to notify individuals at multiple times throughout the day. For example, send to the management team at 9am and at 6pm, send a list of everyone still signed in to security.
Time & Attendance: Sign in reminder push notifications
With our new push notification feature for Time & Attendance, members on scheduled working hours can be reminded to sign in if they have not done so after 10-20 mins from their scheduled start time - taking into account any approved leave or closure day exceptions. Learn more.
Q3 2024
History reports can now include more than one site or group
Our latest, and highly requested, improvements to reports now allow you to select multiple groups or sites on history reports, enabling you to easily create reports across your different locations without having to export multiple CSV files. Learn more.
Timesheet approval notifications
When an individual requests a change to their timesheet with Time & Attendance, their manager can now be notified and approve via email without needing to be a Sign In App portal user.
Changes automatically applied to iPad and Companion
With our latest update, you no longer need to wait 30 minutes or refresh the config on the iPad or Companion app when making changes - they’ll automatically be applied.
Host push notifications on Companion app
In addition to Slack, email and SMS notifications, with our latest update hosts can now be notified when visitors arrive with push notifications on Companion app. Learn more.
Add internal notes against visitors
Notes can now be added to a visitor record by a portal user for repeat & standard visitors and pre-registrations. This field cannot be seen by the visitor and is attached to the visit record only. Learn more.
Time & Attendance absence request notification
Managing absence requests couldn’t be easier with our latest Time & Attendance update. With the latest release, when a T&A group member reports or requests an absence, their manager will receive an email notification with a link to review, approve or decline the request, without requiring access to the portal.
The approval page details all of the information their manager will require to make the approval decision, including available balance of the leave type allocation and who else is off in their team. Learn more about absence requests here.
Custom translations for pre-registration email templates
As part of our continued development of our translations features to ensure an end-to-end multilingual experience for all, our latest update introduces the ability for portal administrators to create their own custom translations for pre-registration emails. Learn more.
Evacuation update on Companion app
To prevent an evacuation being started accidentally for the wrong site, a warning will now be presented if an individual taps to start an evacuation using companion app at a site they are not currently signed in to.
Improvements to history report
Until now, the date ranges that can be selected when exporting a history report has been restricted to up to 3 months. However, we know that some of our community require reports for larger periods of time for things such as annual reports. So, our latest improvements remove this restriction by processing reports in the background and providing a link to download once it’s completed - now allowing up to a year period for history report exports.
Updates to holiday entitlements - Time & Attendance
With our latest Time & Attendance update, you’re now able to make adjustments to each group member's leave allocation (if individuals in a single group do not have the same number of leave days). You can also display the number of days used/remaining for each leave type when reporting, requesting, adding or approving leave.
Turkish & Croatian language support added
As part of our continued localization of Sign In App, we’re pleased to announce the addition of Turkish & Croatian language support across both the visitor and portal experiences.
Q2 2024
Update activity status via iPad - Time & Attendance
We've introduced the ability to update activity statuses via the iPad. When an employee signs in/out, the iPad will prompt them to either continue signing in/out or change their activity status. If no action is taken, the iPad will continue to sign them in/out. Learn more.
New timesheet reports
We’ve given the Timesheet report a facelift and added new functionality. The new functionality displays exceptions to any 'Working hours' shift patterns for things like approved absences or closure days. Hover over a group member's name to display the assigned working hours or any additional information regarding leave. The column on the right-hand side now displays the 'Total hours worked today' based on the activity filter selected at the top of the report.
Wonde protected codes
Protected codes can prevent the overwrite of specific codes, for example the 'M' code for approved medical absence. With custom early leaver codes, when a pupil signs in later, they can select a reason why from the dropdown field; based on the reason selected, Sign In App will write back a specific attendance code. Learn more.
Q1 2024
Time & Attendance
Time & Attendance is our powerful new enhancement that transforms Sign In App into a robust timekeeping tool, bringing together scheduled working hours, absence reports and the ability to accurately track time spent working - all without sacrificing safety and compliance.
- Activity Status - track and categorise how time is spent while signed in
- Working Hours - create and assign shift patterns
- Absence Management - request, approve and record absences
- Additional enhancements - new group management and reporting tools
Learn more about Time & Attendance here.
Audit log
The audit log allows you to view when changes were made in your Sign In App account and who made those changes. You can select the date range and filter the results of the audit using the user and action selection options. To access the Audit log, head to Manage in your online portal and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Audit log under manage account. Learn more.
Companion app PIN protection
PIN protection offers an enhanced level of security for connecting to or accessing our smartphone Companion app. When enabled, users are prompted to set a PIN the next time they access Companion app. The PIN must be entered by the end user when establishing a connection with a new device, serving as an additional safeguard. Learn more.
Ukrainian language
We’re pleased to announce the addition of Ukrainian language support across both the visitor and portal experiences as part of our continued localization of Sign In App.
Q4 2023
iOS Companion V3
V3 of our iOS Companion app has started rolling out throughout December. Companion iOS V3 has been rebuilt from the ground up to leverage the same technology we use for our Android and web apps. While the core functionality is the same, it does introduce a dark mode option and makes some changes behind the scenes to auto sign in.
Improved bulk edit tools
Our new and improved bulk edit tools make it simple to manage repeat visitors. The improvements allow you to easily filter and view repeat visitors within a group, enabling you to review and edit current settings across a large number of individuals such as employees - filtering by department or other criteria. Learn more
Sign In App referrals
If you’re enjoying your experience with Sign In App and find yourself recommending it to partners and colleagues, we made our referral scheme live for all customers so you can share your personal Sign In App referral link with your network and can earn points towards swag, charity donations and discounts. When logged into the portal, go to Manage, and scroll to the bottom for the Enjoying Sign In App? section. Alternatively head to the drop down menu on the top right of the portal and click Refer Sign In App.
Q3 2023
Slack host notifications
Our Slack integration has enabled notifications to be sent into channels for a while, but we’re excited to now introduce host notifications. This means when the “Send to Slack” notification is enabled, a direct message will be sent straight to the user via Slack. Learn more
Custom translations
Take translations even further by providing your own translations when adding custom content. You can add translations for all aspects of the sign in process, from group names and custom fields to policies and messages - making it easier for visitors to use the solution, no matter their preferred language. Learn more
New look Timesheet report
We’ve revamped our Timesheet report to improve usability and make better use of larger screens. For a more consistent experience, the Timesheet report now uses the same filter options as our other reports. Learn more
Italian and Catalan language support
As part of our continued support for languages and localisation across Sign In App, we’re pleased to announce the addition of full Italian and Catalan support across both the visitor and portal experiences.
Arbor writeback for school
One of the most requested improvements from our education community has been the ability to writeback attendance marks with Arbor integration. Abor writeback enables you to writeback late marks.
Q2 2023
Identity Match
Sign In App Identity Match can be used to verify the identity of repeat visitors signing in. Once enabled, Identity Match works alongside the ‘chance of a photo’ group setting to compare photos taken during sign in with the group member’s profile photo. If a discrepancy is detected, their sign in record is flagged in the portal. Learn more
Repeat visitor data retention options
The member retention feature allows you to maintain your group by archiving or deleting members who have been inactive for a specified period of time. Archiving members will prevent them from signing in and make them invisible to others; deleting members will remove them from the group but won't delete their visit history. Learn more
Q1 2023
Introducing Sign In Scheduling
Sign In Scheduling is the customisable appointment scheduling tool that saves you time and scales with your organisation, enabling you to offer a seamless appointment booking experience for customers, reduce admin time and minimise no-shows. Learn more
Introducing Sign In Central Record
For the schools in our community, Sign In Central Record is the secure, compliant and simple solution for maintaining a Single Central Record. Sign In Central Record ensures you’re always prepared for inspections and audits, allowing you to capture the information you need such as DBS checks; automatic updates keeps your process fully compliant with regulation changes. Learn more
Companion app v3 on Android
Our updated Sign In App Companion on Android delivers enhancements and improved performance across all features of the app, including Auto Sign In.
Wonde sync filters for registration and house
In addition to supporting filters for year group, Wonde sync setup now supports filters for registration and house. For further help making changes to your Wonde configuration, please contact support@signinapp.com.
Document expiry notifications
Ensure documents are kept up-to-date and be notified when important documents stored with a visitor record are due to expire. Learn more
Attendance codes based on custom field answers
We have added a new feature to our Wonde integration allowing you to set custom attendance codes for writebacks which enables you to collect multiple attendance codes - a great addition if you want to collect and store extra information around why a student has left early.
Audit log (beta)
Our new audit log feature tracks and records the creation and deletion of records, changes to configuration options and more. Once enabled, this release allows your portal administrators to access this information and filter by action, date and user.
Group member export tools
Portal administrators now have the option to export group members to CSV for easier management and reuploads.
RFID values are now available in the Client API
If you’re looking to build advanced integrations with door access and other RFID scanning systems, you can now access the RFID and QR code records for group members from the Client API.
Read access to Spaces bookings via the client API
Spaces bookings have recently been added to the API. Ideal for custom dashboards and reports, this endpoint returns information about the individual booking the space, as well as details and the location of the space itself. Get started with our user guide.
Q4 2022
ClassLink group sync integration for schools
We are now partnered with ClassLink, enabling us to integrate with existing SIS systems, automatically populating students and teaching employees in Sign In App.
Group default languages
Sign In App gives you the option to assign a language to each member of a group. To make this easier to manage, you can now set a default language for a group that automatically gets applied to all existing and new members. For group members who still require a different language, this can still be overridden on the group member’s individual record.
Portal admins can now manage 2FA for other users
Through the portal user management screens, administrators now have the option to disable 2FA for a user to resolve access issues. If 2FA is enforced, the user will be prompted to set up 2FA again on their next log in. A new permission level has been added to Roles & Permissions to control who has the ability to disable 2FA for users.
Identity match (beta)
Our Identity Match feature verifies the identity of repeat visitors signing in. Once enabled, Identity Match works alongside the ‘chance of photo’ group setting to compare photos taken during sign in, with the group member’s profile photo. If a discrepancy is detected, their sign in record is flagged in the portal. To join the beta, please email beta@signinapp.com
Customise contactless welcome page
When guests sign in with contactless via the QR code on the iPad or on a Sign In Point, they are presented with a welcome page to start the sign in process. In addition to adding your logo, you can also now customise the message presented on this page.
Device history
To help troubleshoot iPad connection or performance issues, we’ve added a new device history view to the portal. This report shows important information such as battery level, network speed and connection status for each device recorded over the last 30 days. Amber and red warning icons highlight issues that may be causing devices to drop offline.
Q3 2022
Improvements to Spaces
When looking at the floor plan on the ‘All bookings’ view, you’ll now see profile photos or initials on desks that have been booked, giving you clearer visibility of where your colleagues are sitting and allowing you to plan your booking around who you may need to collaborate with. Employees also now have the option to end a booking early.
New custom field type “Dropdown with other”
We’ve added a new field type “Custom dropdown with other” which allows visitors to freely type a response after selecting ‘other’ in a custom dropdown.
Web companion beta
We're continuing to add to our web version of Companion App. Web Companion allows users to utilise the features of our mobile Companion app without needing to download a mobile app. From web companion, you can book desks, pre-register guests and even sign in from your PC. Learn more
Manual sync option
Portal administrators can now manually initiate a Microsoft Azure AD, Google Workspace or MIS sync as required. You can do this from Manage > Group > Members. The re-sync option appears at the top of the group member list.
New language option - Japanese
Konnichiwa! We recently added a Japanese language option to the Sign In App online portal and apps.
New alerts for technical contacts
If a badge fails to print or a printer goes offline, technical contacts will now receive an email notification.
Q2 2022
See everyone's bookings in Companion app
Sign In App Companion is the quickest and easiest way to book spaces, whether you’re choosing your desk for the day in a hybrid work environment, or booking a meeting room for an important presentation. To help everyone coordinate and work more collaboratively with colleagues, employees can now be given access to see who else has booked Spaces on a given day and where they will be sitting.
Introducing a new look history report
The history report is a powerful and flexible tool that gives you insight into your visitors and how your sites are being used. With this update we’ve made the report even easier to use. You’ll find filters along the top and a handy export option in the top right corner.
Include personal fields in host notifications
Host notifications are an important part of the visitor experience, letting you know your guest has arrived and providing information and a photo to help you recognise them. You can now include personal fields on the email notification, giving you more control over the information you share each time a visitor or contractor arrives.
CSV import preview
A few months ago, we added the ability to update existing group members using the CSV import tool. With this improvement, you’ll now see a summary of the changes before you confirm the import. This new preview shows the number of additions, modifications and deletions so you can confirm everything is correct before making any changes.
Technical alerts for sync issues
We’ve added a new notification for technical contacts that lets you know if there’s an issue with your Azure AD or Google synced groups. If you receive this email, simply head over to the portal where you can re-authenticate the sync and avoid any disruption.
Sensitive personal fields
Personal fields allow you to capture and store additional information about your repeat visitors (i.e. employees, contractors and students) and depending on your site entry requirements, this data may be sensitive in nature. With our latest update portal admins can mark personal fields as sensitive, requiring additional permissions in the portal to view and edit the information provided. Read more.
New custom field for dates
If you ask visitors to enter a date as part of the sign in process, you can now standardise their responses with our new custom field type. Simply create a new custom field and select the field type of Date. Dates entered into this field will be stored in a YYYY-MM-DD standard international format. Read more.
Identity confirmation screen
When your guests or employees type their name, a list of suggestions may appear on the iPad if they’ve previously visited, are pre-registered or are a member of one of your groups. Depending on your settings, duplicate records can be created if the person signing in taps ‘continue’ without selecting their name. In version 4.2.8 we’ve now added a confirmation screen to help prevent duplicate records.
Bulk companion app invites
If you’re looking to invite all of the members of a group to start using Sign In App Companion, you can now send a bulk invite to all group members directly from the portal. Read more.
Evacuation report improvements
We’ve recently rolled out more improvements to our Safety+ evacuation feature. When performing a roll call, you will now find a search field at the top of the list of evacuees. From Sign In App Companion you can also tap to call evacuees if they have a phone number stored in their personal fields (repeat visitors only).
Reconnect Azure AD sync groups
Azure AD sync is an easy way to keep your employee group members up to date in Sign In App. When permissions change ( such as enabling 2FA in Azure) it can interrupt and disable the sync connection with Sign In App. If this happens you’ll now be prompted with instructions on how to reconnect the integration without having to contact us.
Client API improvements
Our Client API allows you to extract data about your visitors to power custom reports and dashboards. We have recently added more detailed information about hosts to our webhook notifications. We’ve also added a new ‘groups’ endpoint. Read more.
Q1 2022
Show groups on specific sites
Our latest update gives you even more control over the visibility of your groups. While you could always hide groups on individual iPads, you can now control which groups show for each of your sites centrally from the portal. Read more.
Improvements to Safety Check
On the portal, an icon will appear when a visitor or employee has passed a Safety Check. You can see more details about the health certificate that was checked, including who uploaded it and when. You’re also able to export this information. Read more.
Filter evacuation reports by personal field
Evacuation reports can now be filtered by personal field, allowing you to easily perform roll calls by department, form group or any other fields you store. Read more.
Add the option to lock visitor records to prevent deletion
For instances where you need to prevent the deletion of visitor records, you now lock data related to specific visits. Read more.
Attachments on event invite emails for pre-registered guests
Attachments can be added to event invite emails for pre-registered guests which is great for sharing important safety information, directions or more information about the event.
- We’ve added the ability to search the group member list by personal fields
- Personal field data is now transferred when moving members between groups
- Delivery email notifications have been improved with a large image of the label
- Events will now automatically select the correct timezone based on your browser settings
- Inactive evacuation reports will now be closed automatically after 4 hours
- You can now expand the view on live evacuations to show more information
- Help buttons have been added to all manage and reporting pages in the portal
- We’ve fixed a minor issue with rounding on the timesheet report
- MS Teams notifications for deliveries have also been improved
Q4 2021
Permitted zones for Spaces bookings
You can now control where individual group members are allowed to book Spaces. Restrict bookings to a single zone or a group of zones and manage this on a person by person basis. Read more.
Enhanced CSV imports
If you upload staff or contractors from a CSV file, we've added more options to help you manage this more easily. You can check for duplicates, update existing group members and archive people who've left. Read more.
New badge options for staff & contractors
In addition to printing a badge every time a staff member or contractor signs in, you can also configure the group to only print a badge the first time someone signs in. Read more.
Uploading health certificates
Health certificates help you manage entry requirements and comply with the latest safety regulations. If you've already captured the vaccine status of your staff, you can now bulk upload this data to Safety Check. Read more.
Safety+ shared evacuations
With the introduction of Safety+, evacuation reports can now be shared and updated across all devices in real-time. Join or start an evacuation report and work with colleagues and fire marshals to ensure everyone is safe. Read more
Safety Check
The modern workplace is highly regulated with ever changing guidance around who should be allowed on site. Safety Check gives you the tools you need to manage entry requirements and comply with the latest safety regulations and guidance. Read more
Spaces Bookings Report
The new Bookings Report for Spaces allows you to easily view and export past or future bookings, filtering the results by location, category or date.
Option to opt out of storing location data for mobile sign ins
We've recently added the option to disable the storing of location data for specific groups. A user's location data will still be used to determine whether to sign them into a physical or remote site, however you can choose not to store this location by going to Manage > Group > Data & Privacy and disable "Store visitor's sign in and sign out locations". This will apply to new sign ins after the option is toggled off.
Pre-registration email customisation options
When customising a pre-registration email for visitors or staff, you can now decide whether to send a contactless sign in link, a QR code to present to the iPad on arrival, or both. Simply go to Manage > Group > Pre-registrations (or Onboarding for repeat visitors)
Q3 2021
Security changes when creating users
To help secure and protect your data, we’ve changed the way new portal users are created. New users will now be asked to set their own passwords when they first log in to the portal. They will do this via an email invitation, which will validate their email address.
Contactless sign in now supports PIN numbers
When signing in through contactless options such as Sign In Points or the contactless QR code displayed on the iPad welcome screen, you will now be prompted to enter a PIN if one is configured against a group or individual group member.
Request a new companion app invite
We’ve made it easier for Sign In App Companion users to get connected. A new authorisation code can be requested directly from the invitation email if the previous one has expired or has already been redeemed.
New Azure sync options
You now have more flexibility when syncing QR codes and RFID tags stored in your Azure Active Directory. Choose to manage all codes for a group solely from AD, or support a combination of synced codes and manually connected ones. It’s up to you.
Timesheet export improvements
We’ve made some modifications to the Timesheet report to improve support for 24 hour shift patterns. When you export timesheets, you can now either group hours by the day the shift started, or split the hours to show across the different days.
Notify hosts of rejected sign ins
As long as a host has been selected, they will now be notified by email, SMS, Teams or Slack if their guest doesn’t meet the entry criteria based on answers to custom fields. Just make sure to ask who they’re visiting before any health questions.
Improvements to Spaces booking calendars When you subscribe to a site, zone, space or personal calendar for Spaces bookings, you might have noticed we’ve recently improved the information included on each calendar entry. All day bookings now appear correctly, while more detail has been added to the title, location and description of the booking.
Assign a site when importing group members from a CSV
When importing group members from a CSV file, it’s now possible to include a site name to automatically restrict an individual to that site. To learn more about this feature please contact support@signinapp.com
Block list
Block list gives you even greater control over who you allow on to site. Maintain a list of blocked individuals and either prevent them from signing in, or generate a notification on entry. Read more
Time-based notifications
Create custom notifications that alert you via email, Slack, Teams or SMS if someone signs in after a time you've specified for their group. Read more
Clean/reset time for Spaces
New options on Spaces let you specify a period of time after each booking to allow for the room to be cleaned or reset before the next person or group arrives. Read more
You can now add favourited custom fields to show on the automated on-site report. Read more Files can now be attached to repeat visitor welcome emails sent via the portal. Read more
Q2 2021
New additions to Spaces
Spaces is the desk and meeting room booking add-on for Sign In App, designed to help you manage site capacity and enable hybrid working. Here’s a quick look at what’s new;
- Receive booking confirmation emails when booking desks and rooms. Read more.
- Add notes to your desk and room bookings to record useful information. Read more.
- Set a limit to control how far in advance bookings can be made. Read more.
- Subscribe to calendar URLs to see bookings in your favourite calendar app. Read more.
Sign In Points for multiple groups
Sign In Points are a simple and cost effective way for visitors to sign in using their smartphone. You can now generate Sign In Points that support multiple groups, removing the need to print a poster for each type of visitor. Read more
Add custom fields to generated PDFs
When a visitor agrees to your terms or policies, a PDF copy is generated and stored against their visit. This always included their name (and signature if provided) but you can now include custom fields such as ‘Company’. Read more
New data retention options
New retention options allow you to reduce the time that personal data, photos and saved documents are stored to just a single day if required. Read more
Upcoming changes to how portal users are created
To help secure and protect your data, we’ll be changing the way new portal users are created from next month. Following the change, new users will be asked to set up their own passwords when they first log in to the portal. They will do this via an email invitation, which will validate their email address. If you have any questions about this change please contact the team at support@signinapp.com
New password policy option
You can now force portal users to reauthenticate after 30/60/90 days if required. By default this will remain ‘Never’ however you can change this option from the Manage > Password Policy section of the portal. Read more
Spaces can now be excluded from site occupancy calculations
If you have spaces (such as meeting rooms) or parking spaces that you don’t want to be included when calculating total occupancy for the site, you can now exclude these by checking the “Ignore when calculating occupancy” option. Read more
Custom subject lines for email notifications
If you use notification rules to be alerted when there’s a rejected sign in, site capacity is reached or any other reason, you can now customise the email subject to make the notification more relevant or to stand out. Read more
New Spaces layout view
In the latest update for Sign In App Companion, we've added a new layout view when booking spaces and viewing your existing bookings. The layout view makes it much easier to find which space you've booked. Read more
Set reminders to sign in
With scheduled reminders, you can now set your own automated reminders to sign in (or out) at a time that's right for you - especially helpful when working remotely. Read more
Sign in deliveries from your phone
Sign In App can help you manage your deliveries on site and we've now made it even easier to sign in your packages. Using companion app and our smart label scanner, you can quickly sign in deliveries and notify the recipient. Read more
Set group companion app permissions
To streamline the management of your companion app users, you can now set companion app permissions for the whole group including any new members. Read more
Not forgetting...
You can now sign in pre-registered guests directly from the Today tab of your online portal. Read more
You can select which columns to export with visitor history, including hours and minutes for the first time. Read more
Our updated 'Devices' section under a site lets you silence offline alerts for individual iPads. Read more
Q1 2021
Spaces is here!
Spaces is the smart and flexible desk and meeting room booking add-on for Sign In App. Whether you're looking to embrace the hybrid workforce, re-open at reduced capacity or monitor how your desks and meeting rooms are being used, Spaces can help.
MS Teams host notifications
You can now select MS Teams as a host notification option when your guests sign in and select who they’re visiting. All you need is an Azure AD synced group. Read more
New permission levels
Location data can be sensitive information, particularly when staff members are signing in from home via Sign In App Companion. New permission options give you total control over who can access location data for sign ins. Learn more about Roles & Permissions here.
Export history across all groups
You now have the option to export History reports that include activity across all groups. After selecting a Site, simply choose the 'All' option to export everyone's sign ins. Please note - you can only include custom fields when exporting a single group.
Hide custom fields on notifications
A visitor notification provides you with all the information you need to know about a particular guest. Sometimes too much information, so we've added the ability to hide selected custom fields and the visitor photo from notification emails. For more information, click here.
Sign out notifications for hosts
As helpful as it is to know when your guests arrive, sometimes you need to make sure they've signed out at the end of their visit. Sign out notifications for hosts is an easy way to confirm your guest has signed out. Learn more
Q4 2020
Control access to site
Earlier this year we introduced notifications which could be triggered based on answers provided in custom fields. In our latest update we’ve taken this one step further and added the ability to reject sign ins at the point of entry. This feature allows you to define the criteria for those allowed on site and, more importantly, enforce this by preventing entry to site while still recording their details. Learn more
Portal user roles and permissions
With these new tools you can create your own user roles - adding or removing each permission to provide the right level of access. Each role can then be assigned to one or more users, giving you flexibility and total control for every user. Learn more
Your data, closer to home
As part of our commitment to data security and compliance, we recently introduced three new global data centres; allowing users to choose where their organisation’s visitor data is stored at rest. In addition to our London data centres, we’ve added regional hubs for the US (N. Virginia), EU (Stockholm) and Asia-Pacific ( Sydney). More information
Even more notification options
With the recent enhancements around advanced filters, rejected sign ins and health questionnaires, notification rules have become an important and essential part of Sign In App. Notification emails, Slack, Teams and SMS messages can now be generated automatically when guests are pre-registered. We’ve also enabled notification rules for Events, so you can be notified when attendees sign in or out. Read more
It’s always great to see Sign In App in new languages and this month we’re pleased to introduce Russian language options across the platform.
Summer 2020
You can now copy a site’s settings when creating a new one
It’s easier than ever to set up a new site using an existing site as a template. When you create a site, you’ll be asked whether you want to start with a blank site or copy the settings from another site. All custom fields, messages and features will be copied.
When visitors or staff agree to a message, send a copy of the signed PDF to members of your team
You can already send PDF copies of agreed messages to your visitors if you take their email address during a sign in. With a recent update, you can now also send a copy to one or more of your team members. Simply toggle on “Email a copy of the agreement to the visitor” in the Message options and then add the “Additional recipients”.
For each portal user, you have the option to select which sites they can see
Prior to this change, you could select portal users to have access to a single site, or all sites. To give you more flexibility, you can select individual sites for each portal user to access. To choose which sites a portal user can see, go to Manage > Portal users and click to edit one of your users. The available sites will appear with checkboxes.
When setting up an Azure AD synced group, you have the option to exclude photos
Depending on your site and circumstances, you may not wish to show photos of your repeat group members such as staff or students. In those instances you can now opt to exclude photos from the sync process. For synced groups with photos turned off, a placeholder icon will appear instead. These options appear when creating the group.
Pre-registration emails now have a customisable subject line
In the group options for a standard visitor group, you can customise the contents of a pre-registration email to include specific instructions or information. The one part you couldn’t customise was the subject line - until now. This new option is especially useful if you would like to choose between whether the site name or account name shows in the subject.
Attach documents to pre-registration emails
In addition to customising the subject line, you can also now add attachments to your pre-registration emails. This can include important health and safety information, pre-arrival documentation or company information. As this can be customised for each visitor group, it’s easy to provide specific information for each type of visitor ahead of their arrival.
Easily see who has companion app connected
With more and more staff using companion app to sign in both on site and remotely, it’s more important than ever to know who’s successfully set the app up and is ready to sign in. We know you need tools to help manage companion app use, so we’ve started with a simple icon that shows you at-a-glance who’s got the app connected.
Set a different retention period for visitor photos
Data retention options in Sign In App allow you to quickly and easily control how long data is retained on a group by group basis. With this latest change, we’ve taken it one step further. Because we know visitor photos may be a more sensitive classification of data, we’ve added the option to set a different retention period for visitor photos, giving you more control than ever before.
Configure and enforce your password policy
Portal users have access to sensitive visitor information, so it’s important to make sure everyone has a secure password and authentication options enabled that are appropriate for your site. With this update you can now set password expiry, prevent password reuse and even enforce 2FA (Two factor authentication).
Name your notification rules
Notification rules are a powerful way to stay up to date with who’s on site. The flexibility of the advanced filters allows you to set up notifications based on the answers to questions or site occupancy as people sign in or out of site. With so many ways to use notifications, we wanted to give you a better way to organise the rules you have set up. You can now name each of your rules to help understand at a glance what each rule does.
Set up ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ notification rules
In addition to naming rules, you can also now use ‘greater than’ or ‘less than’ logic when setting up advanced filters. Perfect for generating a notification based on a temperature field or site occupancy limit (e.g. When temperature is greater than X).
Your new Sign In App Companion is here
We’re excited to launch the second generation of our companion app for iOS and Android, redesigned from the ground up for contactless sign in, remote working, questionnaires and site safety.
- Sign In App Companion now supports the full sign in experience, including any personal fields and custom fields you've set. This means your staff members can enter the information you need, whether on site or signing in remotely.
- Staff signing in through companion app can now view and agree to important messages as part of the full sign in experience. This includes videos and PDF documents and can be presented on every sign in, after a period of time or only when they change.
- The new today 'widget' lets you easily see who's signed in at a glance. Switch between sites and see totals for each group. You can also let users see this without giving them access to the full evacuation list.
- Sign In App Companion v2 introduces a new calendar view which lets you look back at your personal sign in history. If enabled, it also keeps track of the number of hours you've been signed in each week.
- You can now configure Sign In App Companion to automatically detect when you enter a site's geofence, prompting you to sign in through a notification, or signing you in automatically (iOS only) if you don't have custom fields or messages.
- Improved evacuation features
- Connect multiple accounts to one phone
- FaceID and TouchID improvements (iOS)
- Select your preferred language
- Add your QR code to Apple Wallet
Introducing contactless sign in
You can now allow visitors to sign in to site using their personal smartphone, simply by scanning the secure QR code displayed on your reception iPad. Contactless sign in is available to all Sign In App subscribers at no additional cost, providing a safe and secure no-touch option for guests. Read more
Contactless badge printing
In our most recent app update, we introduced support for badge printing when using contactless sign in. It’s quick, automatic and the best part is no additional setup is required. When you scan the QR code from the iPad, it will use your group settings to print a badge using your existing connection.
Max occupancy notifications
As workplaces re-open with reduced capacity, it’s important to monitor the number of sign ins against the max occupancy for each site. We’re currently working on a number of capacity management features and the first of these is now live in occupancy notifications. By setting a site occupancy you will be notified when the number of sign ins reaches this limit. This can be configured at a group or site level.
Contactless sign in for repeat visitors
Sign In App supports a number of contactless options for repeat visitors (i.e. staff), including our companion app for iPhone and Android, Sign In App Tap for RFID access fobs and hands-free QR code scanning. For first visits, where repeat visitors may need to provide additional information and agree to important policies and safety information, you can now include a contactless sign in link with your welcome email.
Spring 2020
Version 4 is here
Our app update for iPad is available now, with accessibility improvements, more customisation options than ever and loads of new features. If you want to know everything that's been added, tweaked or changed; click here or watch our launch video here. Continual evolution of the product and platform is in our DNA. As a Sign In App subscriber you’ll be used to seeing the fruits of the team’s labours each and every month. In this article we explain the thinking behind this update and our philosophy that continues to shape Sign In App. Read more